photo courtesy of Rosalie O'Conner
Awareness Through Movement® lessons were designed for group settings, although they may be given to individuals as well. During an Awareness Through Movement lesson, students are led through a series of gentle movements by verbal instruction. Many lessons are conducted on the floor, with students on mats or blankets, but lessons may also begin in sitting or standing. Paradoxically, by doing less and being encouraged to attend to our own comfort, we find more than one way to do things, easing the grip that long-standing patterns can exert. The improvements range from reduction of chronic discomforts to greater refinement and ease performing skilled activities.
Moshe Feldenkrais incorporated knowledge of both phylogenetic and ontological development in his work: he found the means of accessing and utilizing whole-body, synchronous movements that are a legacy of our evolutionary history; and many of his Awareness Through Movement lessons create the conditions for students to learn skills that may have been missed in their individual developmental process.
Moshe Feldenkrais incorporated knowledge of both phylogenetic and ontological development in his work: he found the means of accessing and utilizing whole-body, synchronous movements that are a legacy of our evolutionary history; and many of his Awareness Through Movement lessons create the conditions for students to learn skills that may have been missed in their individual developmental process.
Much of the time we unconsciously do an action and its opposite at the same time and then wonder why it’s difficult. Lessons can uncover the layers of unnecessary and contrary effort.
The nervous system learns by noting differences. But if the overall muscle tone of the person is high, small distinctions between ease and less ease can not be distinguished. A Feldenkrais lesson quiets the nervous system, enhancing feedback and allowing the whole self to respond with greater adaptability.
The nervous system learns by noting differences. But if the overall muscle tone of the person is high, small distinctions between ease and less ease can not be distinguished. A Feldenkrais lesson quiets the nervous system, enhancing feedback and allowing the whole self to respond with greater adaptability.